Want to improve yourself? Ring a Coach!
“Over the years, the purpose of coaching has shifted from problem solving toward proactive leadership development. Today, overwhelmingly, business leaders see leadership development as the key purpose of coaching. It has become the mark of an up and coming leader.”
This quote is from the 11° Executive Coaching Survey 2016, the annual study which Sherpa Coaching, a US coaching firm from Cincinnati, Ohio, publishes yearly by collecting and analyzing data from 65 Countries in the world in relation to the coaching profession.
What makes this intention shift so interesting?
Coaching, unlike other supportive relationships, does not focus on problems and their solution. Problems may be a starting point, a symptom, a warning signal that we can improve our condition, we can start a journey which will make us better than what we are right now: more aware of our potential, our desires, of the goals we want to reach.
According to this study, the driver for a coaching arrangement has now become: I can do better than this! I can be better, live, work, love, play, enjoy better!
(Infographic and quote, Courtesy of Sherpa Coaching)
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